
Showing posts from March, 2019

Ethan's R.E. T1W08 Lent Week 3 18-20 March South Sudan

Hello This is my R.E. Lent Week 3 18-20 South Sudan slide in the slide there are facts. By Ethan


Hello I learned how to play korfball I will tell you how to play korfball the rules are the same as netball. In the teams there are eight people in the team, two  boys and two girls are on the cort. By Ethan

eels facts

hello, dan came to talk to us a bunt eels Eels can go back and ford . NZ has heaps of types of eels. Don`t put your finger in an eels mouth. They eat heaps of food.  They mostly hind and then ponies out. They can breath from there skin at night females eels are bigger than male eels.  males go to Tonga trench. females lay more eggs than male eels.  The eels hate sunlight. Eels eat there food hole. They grow up to 2 meters  Thank you for reading. Ethan

south sudan facts

hello At night there 4 guards and in the day there 3 guards. They use mud and cow poo to sick the walls together. Nile river flows through south Sudan. They have heaps of type of food. They use branches for tooth's brash.  They keep cows for money. Kids hunts small animals. Many people walk with guns. War started in 2011. The weather can get to 42 and at night it gets around 32. To keep cool at night they put there sheet in the shower and put it on them. Thank you for reading. Ethan
Hello This morning we participated in a webinar about water here in NZ. I learned... Some water can be taken from one stream to feed another stream.  Fossil water can not be replaced. That  water can not go into the clouds because it is so deep in the ground. 💀 There are some ways to make saltwater into freshwater. thanks for read

south sudan m

Hello 1.Sudan is in war with sudan. Ethan

south sudan

Hello This is my south sudan slide. 1.South sudan is in war with sudan. Ethan